Chevening 英國政府獎學金-Why Chevening?在UKEAS獨家公開申請內容

last updated on 5 February 2021

Everybody who wants to study master in the UK, should apply Chevening.


(1)如何申請與準備面試-Applying for Chevening & interview
(3)英國讀書與台灣的不同-What are the differences between education in Taiwan and in the UK?(他篇)


在申請那一天,調查了大概過去的台灣得主有哪些領域的?當年看到蠻多得主是律師、醫生以及記者。現在British Office Taipei 也在FB上有宣傳,資料來源較之前多,之前在查時台灣只有看到幾個Chevening 得主分享在個人網站(e.g. Phoebechiu, Ashley)、ptt上面分享的人申請的過程中的狀況。

可以多利用社群媒體,例如#chevening on facebook or instagram 看看他們的照片、活動,了解一些是不是真的適合這個獎學金。

附上 2019/20 Chevening 和 台達電子文教基金會聯合獎學金 修安柏的分享, 有興趣的人可以點閱


以前的Chevening在台灣不叫Chevening ,叫BTCO獎學金。以前錄取人數大概十幾人,而現在二個至五個得主不等。 一開始是同學傳給我獎學金資訊:台達電子文教基金會Delta才發現這個獎學金。當時我跟YaoYao一樣defer一年,他剛好也在找funding,他最後也找到了,而且不只一個。



如何申請與準備面試-Applying for Chevening & interview


(1)Future Leader or Influencers
(2)Strong networking skills
(3)Why studying in the UK?
(4)Career plan question

Chevening is looking for individuals that will be future leaders or influencers in their home countries. Explain how you meet this requirement, using clear examples of your own leadership and influencing skills to support your answer.

Chevening is looking for individuals with strong networking skills, who will engage with the Chevening community and influence and lead others in their chosen profession. Explain how you meet this requirement, using clear examples of your networking skills, and outline how you hope to use these skills in the future.

Outline why you have selected your chosen three university courses, and explain how this relates to your previous academic or professional experience and your plans for the future.

Chevening is looking for individuals who have a clear post-study career plan. Please outline your immediate plans upon returning home and your longer-term career goals. You may wish to consider how these relate to what the UK government is doing in your country.  



十一月審核至隔年二月中開始通知面試(2/25 references deadline)



隔年七月unconditional offer and IELTS繳交deadline



(1)Why defer one year? why study vet?
(2)What’s your greatest achievement?你的研究可以幫助幾成的人?
(5)What’s your biggest weakness/你覺得你可能會遇到的困難是什麼?/你覺得要達到這個目標你現在最缺乏的是什麼?

Leadership and influencing skills
(1)Do you have leadership potential? /你有沒有領導的經驗?/Why did you think you can be a future leader?/你要如何帶領這一群人?
(2)How will Taiwan benefit from your experience and expertise in the future?

Networking skills
(1)How I will use the Chevening time for networking during the period in the UK and also after my returning.
(2)Which my networking skill I think is my strongest?
(3)Give me an example where you used this skill in your work.

Studying in the UK
(1)Why do you want to study in the UK?/你覺得去英國唸書對這件事情有什麼幫助?
(2)Why did you choose to study in that course?
(3)Can you successfully finish a Master’s Degree in the UK?

Career Plan
(1)Short term and long term professional goals.
(2)What is your plan?
(3)Where do you see yourself in five years and so on – there’s a good chance they will ask you some (or all) of those.
(4)Do you plan to go to study in the UK, even if you don’t get the Chevening scholarship?

Any Questions (準備好幾個問題打算問考官的)
(並且有一句結尾是謝謝對方提供面試機會的 e.g. Thank you for providing me with an opportunity to interview for the Chevening program. )



當然有許多小地方文法基本的錯誤,還記得當時在面試時,像是考官問我,難道你不吃肉嗎?你怎麼一個人願意改變?而不是全部的人?外交官問的時候我對英腔還好陌生,我就回他說I eat meat. (but the reality is that I want to say, I used to eat meat. ) 考官的表情疑惑了一下就繼續了,所以建議可以準備幾個語句,像是當考官問額外的問題,聽不懂可以請他在說一次的英文用法也準備一下:

  • Pardon? /I beg you pardon?/Sorry, I’m afraid I don’t follow you.
  • I’m sorry, I don’t understand. Could you say it again?
  • I’m sorry, I didn’t catch that.
  • I didn’t hear you. Could you tell me again?

三位面試官:一位是英國外交官、一位是Delta代表、一位是英國在台辦事處代表。當時我是第一人面試。先前也甚至上網找了第一位面試的優劣,例如說:第一位大家一大早剛開始前,精神較不集中比較像是Warm Up,考官不是很專心的階段。第一位的優勢跟劣勢是在於表現的好不好,因為容易會以第一人做標準,若表現非常好或普通,也通常只若在中位數的名次而已等等。基於上述,我知道目的是要讓考官們keep them awake and let them remember me. 因為考官一整天要面試十幾個,很容易忘掉第一個。



Dear Shih-Ying, Ho

Congratulate you on being selected as the winner of Delta & Chevening Environmental Scholarship!
Here we would like to invite you to attend 2017 Delta Environmental Scholarship Ceremony.
Ø   Time: 11, July (Tuesday) 14:30-16:30 PM


去完這一年回台灣之後,十分真心建議要去英國留學的學子們,一定要申請Chevening!就算失敗,defer一年再申請都值得,為什麼呢?引用了other chevening scholar youtube的一句話:,這個比起英國G5的學校還要有意義多了。(Chevening LIfe 在另一篇分享)。

最後附上在英國Chevening Scholar 2017年的Orientation 以及離開英國的2018 Farewell party 照片,當時很興請大家揮舞國旗的過程如下:






5. 面試:最基本也最重要的,了解如何英語面試,上網都有→e.g. Job interview

以上,祝各位順利順心,在英國,有Chevening除了獎學金(全額學費+NHS費用)之外,一年的留學時間快速的social networking。feel free to contact me at any time

英美雙國際學者 (英國Chevening 國際優秀學者 及 美國加州大學柏克萊Berkeley分校訪問學者BTB);擁有台灣/英國 雙營養師證照 以及 台灣/英國 雙醫學碩士 曾至34個國家旅遊,持續增加中。旨在用世界觀、實證醫學推廣永續營養飲食,創立營養專科
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